Early Childhood Parents

Dear parent congratulations! As your child enters early childhood and is away from you, we know that this can be a concern.We want to assure you that your child will receive quality care and education when he or she is at one of our early childhood centers. The Early childhood Unit continues to work to ensure that all early childhood centers, public or private provide adequate space and that the child care workers are adequately trained to stimulate your child physically and mentally so that he or she can grow up to fulfill their greatest potential. This is a time that they will be at their greatest learning takes place and we will maximize the opportunity for them to have fun as they grow and learn. Please support us as we do our best to prepare your child for a bright future.


The information below is for Government Centers (Downloads)

  • Application Form
  • Clinical Form (to accompany the application form)
  • Rules for Government Centres (download)